‘The smell of woodsmoke and a woman dancing in the window’….
So begins Laura Barton’s description of a show myself and my buddy Rozi Plain put on in 33 Chatsworth Road (also known in these parts as ‘The Dentist‘) back in December. I saw Laura speak about music at last year’s Port Elliott Festival and she’s as passionate about it as anyone I’ve ever heard so very honoured that she chose to write about this show – that it appears as part of The Guardian’s Gigs of 2015 is a definite bonus, oh yes

Here’s a link to the article in full….scroll down to the bottom for our bit
And for those that couldn’t be arsed, here’s the last paragraph….
‘Music at such proximity has a kind of warmth, and that night Fogarty and Plain’s songs – already beautiful and supple things, took on for me a new depth and tenderness. And as I watched I thought of how the inside of this little venue seemed an echo of its backyard: that here we stood, gathered together around this musical bonfire, feeling its glow.’
Now where are my gigs for 2016?